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INDIA… IN THE VERY BEGINNING - How the Indian Subcontinent was Formed  


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Early Man takes a Stand

About 5 million years ago, even as these animals were evolving on the Indo-Gangetic plains, a creature of far more importance (to us) was struggling to rise in the jungles of primitive Africa. For mankind, the greatest break-through came when, some of the apes in the region, learned to stand erect.

In 1974, a scientific expedition in Ethiopia, discovered the bones of a creature that had lived 4 million years ago. The creature was more ape, than man, in appearance; but it had one distinguishing feature (recognized from the bones of the knee joint) -- it had learnt to walk erect, with fully straightened legs. The creature was classified as Australopithecus afarensis. Since the skeleton belonged to a female, it was nicknamed "Lucy". This became the famous "missing link" between ape and man.

One and a half million years ago, homo erectus evolved. He was the first primate to look anything like modern man. Over thousands of years, his skull size had increased, till he had the brain size of a modern four-year old. He was also the first creature to use fire and create sophisticated tools. Homo erectus was a great traveler. He formed groups or clans. These clans, using their ancient tools, weapons and fire, explored new hunting grounds, during the 1 million years, when they were the Masters of this Earth.

His clans spread, from Africa to the Middle East -- then to China, Europe and (using the land bridges that existed in those times) all the way to the Pacific. 


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