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INDIA - IN THE VERY BEGINNING - How the Indian Subcontinent was Formed

 (Manmohan Melville)

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 The Westernized name for India, was derived originally, by the ancient Persians and Greeks, from the great River Indus which was the "cradle of early civilization" in this region. Two large and well-known cities, Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, flourished here, nearly 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. Today, the sites of both these fabulous cities are in Pakistan. But, in the ancient times, when no regional boundaries existed, nothing prevented the spread of civilization from here to other parts of the sub-continent.  Thus, while in some parts of Europe man was still hunting in the forests; in India, mankind had settled down in extensive cities by the river banks. 

They built buildings of bricks. They had built magnificent public bath-houses. Their cities had parallel roads and a complicated drainage system. They developed a distinct language. Individuals owned land and stamped their property with clay seal imprints. They began to grow crops and store the grains in giant granaries.

From where did these early people come to the Indus River basin? More interesting still -- how did this river basin -- this "cradle of civilization" -- itself come into being?

To trace this one has to go back into pre-history. This is the story of the formation of the Indian sub-continent. The story of how the country came into being and of the creatures and people who came here in pre-historic times.


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